Shane academy is proud to announce this course designed to provide medical professionals from a variety of backgrounds with a refresher and update on the most critical aspect of their daily practice - medical and surgical emergencies and their imaging. It consists of 12 modules held from 21 to 27 April 2024 at Cebu City, Philippines. Highly experienced international faculty from the UK, Australia and the Middle East will be conducting the workshop. Each module will be composed of short didactic lectures by specialists in the respective field immediately followed by a hands-on interactive workshop where the delegates will be given the opportunity to review imaging studies including X Rays, Ultrasound, CT and MRI scans relevant to the topic. Our aim is to provide the delegates with the knowledge and skill to handle a variety of medical and surgical emergencies confidently and appropriately order and interpret relevant radiological investigations.
Laptop: We recommend all delegates bring their own laptop device. All of the content including the imaging studies will be compatible with Windows and Macbook devices and will be provided in advance for downloading to their own devices. The content can also be accessed on a mobile phone or tablet however we strongly recommend a laptop for the best learning experience.
Organized by: SHANE ACADEMY
Dr Mohamed Roshan Arakkal MD,Australia
Dr Saneej Kanhirat FRANZCR, DMRD, DNB, EDiR,Australia
To ensure the best interactive experience to all delegates with our faculty, and to get the most out of the hands-on workshop, the seats will be limited to a maximum of 25.
So please hurry up and book early to avoid disappointment.